Rewards are earned in the 1% Challenge based on your regular mindfulness practice. As you engage in live or on-demand mindfulness sessions each day for at least 14 minutes (which constitutes 1% of your day), you start to accumulate rewards.
These rewards can be both personal, in terms of the mental and physical health benefits of regular mindfulness practice, and altruistic. For every minute of mindfulness you practice, eM Life donates to a charity of your choice through The Connection program.
Moreover, during certain periods, the 1% Challenge might offer additional rewards or incentives. These may include bonus donations to charities, or recognition for participants who reach certain milestones in their practice. The specifics can vary with each iteration of the challenge, so it's a good idea to stay updated with the latest information from eM Life. Click here to learn more.
Remember, the key to earning rewards in the 1% Challenge is consistent practice. Making mindfulness a part of your daily routine is what the challenge is all about!